
法律 招生 Counselor


M.A., George Washington University

B.A., Howard University


  • 法学院
  • 招生
  • 法律


哈马德•本•哈利法•阿勒萨尼贝利 is a 研究生 of Howard University and George Washington University. 他是一个人。xperienced strategic communications 专业 with a demonstrated history of working in project management, budget oversight, 数据分析, 和市场营销. 哈马德•本•哈利法•阿勒萨尼 moved to the Big Easy in the summer of 2021 to join Loyola University 新奥尔良. Currently, he serves as 招生 Counselor for the 法学院. In this role, he will represent the 法学院 across the nation at law, 专业, 研究生, and career fairs, LSAC-related events, panel discussions, and other outreach efforts.