


Ph.D., 道德 and Social Theory, University of Toronto (St. 迈克尔的学院)


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • 宗教研究


  • 公民权利
  • 道德


肯尼斯·Keulman is a professor at Loyola University, where he teaches courses in ethics and international relations. He is the author of The Balance of Consciousness: Eric Voegelin’s Political Theory, editor 也是 Critical Moments in Religious 历史合著者 Horizons of Value Conceptions, 也是 欧洲认同. He has contributed chapters in edited volumes on subjects such as nuclear weapons policy, security and defense policy in the European Union, violence and coexistence, 公民教育. Keulman has contributed to journals such as The 公告 of Atomic ScientistsHarvard 国际 ReviewFrench Politics and SocietyHarvard 法律 and Medicine 公告, is also review editor of 人权审查.

Keulman has been a research associate at the Center for European Studies at Harvard, where he directed a seminar on “Nuclear Politics and Society”; visiting fellow at the Center of 国际 Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and 国际 Affairs, Princeton University, where he directed a seminar on “Post-Communist Transitions in Eastern Europe”; visiting scholar and associate at the Weatherhead Center for 国际 Affairs, Harvard University; and visiting scholar at Harvard 法律 School and Stanford 法律 School. He is also an associate of the Atlantic Council.

Keulman was a participant in the Stanford Conference Group on Regional Security Environment/Carnegie Commission on the Prevention of Deadly Conflict. He also participated in the Carnegie Council on 道德 and 国际 Affairs Project on Environmental Policy. He has taught at Harvard and Rice University.